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Asia IP

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Ho-Hyun Nahm cited for 1,000th ADR decision

Lead partner at Barun IP & Law has made decisions at WIPO, NAF, IDRC

India: Understanding public use and the loss of novelty

The novelty requirement is the sine qua non of every patent law.

Singapore - Substantiation of Allegation of Bad Faith May Entitle Tribunal to Declare A Trademark Invalid

Swiss Company Vetements Group AG (the “Applicant”) sought to invalidate the following mark

The unitary patent in Europe: How will it affect Asia and the Pacific?

With the June 1 debut of Europe’s unitary patent, Excel V. Dyquiangco talks to APAC lawyers about ho...

Shopee launches Brand Protection Partnership (BPP) Initiative

BPP will strengthening IP protection in collaboration with leading brands and rights holders

Vietnam’s first data privacy law to take effect on July 1, 2023

Protection of Personal Data Decree among government’s first attempts at data regulation