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Asia IP

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The 2021 Asia IP Trademark Survey

The top-ranked trademark firms of 2021 - find out who they are now!

The 2020 Asia IP Trademark Survey

Who are the top Trademark firms in Asia and the Pacific?

2015 Trademark Survey - Latest Developments from Around the Region

 Asia's leading trademark firms are revealed, as Johnny Chan, Lily Zhang, Jeffrey Lee and...

The 2014 Asia IP Trademark Survey

A Guide to Asia's Trademark Laws     

The 2012 Trademark Survey

As trademark practitioners around Asia adjusting to new laws, amendments and changes, regional ...

The 2010 Asia IP Trademark Survey

Over the past several months, Asia IP polled thousands of in-house counsel and private practitioners...

Building Your Brand The 2011 Trademark Survey

Trademark practitioners around Asia are adjusting to new laws, amendments and changes to local ...