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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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IP registrations in Indonesia increasing

The Covid 19 scenario in Indonesia may be bleak but the picture is pretty for IP, thanks to its onli...

Rolex S.A. v. FMTM Distribution Ltd [2020] SGIPOS 6

FMTM Distribution Ltd (the applicant) sought to trademark "Mariner", which Rolex contested.

Soft launch of Myanmar’s trademark registration system still pending

Registration by way of declaration of ownership remains available.

Kazakhstan: Overcoming Provisional Refusals of International Trademark Registration

Kazakhstan’s accession to Madrid has brought the country’s trademark regime to the foref...

China Cracking Down on Malicious Trademark Registrations

What do a deck of playing cards and a lighter have in common? Nothing, one could argue. On December...

Thailand’s Well-known Trademark Registration Process Proves a Success

Owners of well-known trademarks are reaping the rewards of Thailand’s trademark registration&n...