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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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The 2019 Asia IP Copyright Survey

Where did each copyright firm rank in the survey?

Myanmar passes Trademark and Industrial Design Laws

Trademark Law and Industrial Design Law awaiting implementation.

Recent Update on IP Protection in China

China is creating a more favourable IP environment for IP owners, through improvements to administra...

The Intersection of IP and Global Trade

Chaos has raged in the world of global trade agreements since Donald Trump killed the Trans- Pacific...

The Campfire Stories of IP Enforcement in China

In part one of a two-part series, seasoned IP practitioners share with Michelle Ko noteworthy e...

Best Feature: The Shape of Pharma

Hosted by Johnny Chan, this academy award winning article reveals everything from protection to ...

Sydney Welcomes AIPPI

Delegates from around the world descended upon Sydney this month for the AIPPI World Congress. Grego...

Where They’re Calling From: GIs and the Road Ahead

Asian nations are actively expanding their list of GIs and see some of their most valuable goods pro...