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Asia IP

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Champion wins trademark infringement case in China

♪ We are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end, ♫ sings the brand owner...

MGM caught in Miss Asia trademark infringement spat

An IP expert shares whether the venue owner is liable to the misdoing committed by the event organiz...

Allscripts sues CarePortMD for trademark infringement

The telemedicine startup claims it is being bullied by the health technology giant. Is that true?

The case of Katy and Katie Perry and trademark infringement

Singer Katy Perry has been sued for trademark infringement by fashion designer Katie Jane Taylor. Th...

China closes loophole on trademark infringement for original equipment manufacturing

In a recent ruling, China proves to have listened to the voices of foreign brands by protecting thei...

Saigon Beer passed off in Vietnam

The copycat claims not knowing anything about the infringement but a local trademark expert is not c...

Beyonce-titled song in India sang tunes of trademark infringement

International pop singer Beyonce Knowles had trademarked her name in India. The title has been chang...

Defeating trademark infringers

Trademark infringers continue to challenge rights owners and the lawyers who assist them. Here are s...