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Asia IP

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Netflix Files Trademark Applications For Squid Game

A review of the recent filings made before the Bureau of Trademarks of the Intellectual Property Off...

Korean nail company withdraws trademark application over BTS’ term, "Borahae”

Despite the absence of dynamite, "Borahae” is printed on the packaging of the BTS Meal at McDonald's...

Vietnam makes move against trademark applications for local rice varieties in Australia, US

The application stands a slim chance, according to a lawyer, and serves a lesson to Vietnamese SMEs

Trademark applications in Cambodia reaches a high in 2020

Trademark applications in Cambodia reached 7,996, a 30% increase over 2019.

Japan rejects bid from China to use “AINU” trademark for products

A Chinese IP expert thinks the rejection is reasonable as any other country would do the same to pro...

"Fish Selling Bro" files trademark application in China - until someone beats him to it

While the case might appear to be over for the "Fish Selling Bro", one lawyer thinks that this is th...

For the first time, China tops Trademark Applications at USPTO

What is the significance of this unprecedented growth?

The Case of the Mistaken Footware

Nike and Puma butt heads in latest trademark dispute.