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Asia IP

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Updates to trademark enforcement in Asia-Pacific

Trademark lawyers across Asia and the Pacific speak with Johnny Chan about the latest legislative ch...

Vietnam makes move against trademark applications for local rice varieties in Australia, US

The application stands a slim chance, according to a lawyer, and serves a lesson to Vietnamese SMEs

The value of trade secrets

Many companies are unaware that a single new production technique or formulation results in a trade...

Tokyo 2020: Will the Olympics win the gold for IP protection?

The Olympic Games bring out the best in the world’s athletes, IP lawyers and counterfeiters. The 202...

Peppa Pig Recently Recognized as a Trademark in China

This, after a tumultuous journey in which in April 2019, Entertainment One UK Limited, the Peppa Pig...

Chinese technology firm sues in relation to Chinese TikTok

The amount of damages requested is over $350 million, which could be quintupled under the newer puni...

JPO rejects Armani’s opposition in Eagle logo

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has rejected Armani's opposition to Japanese TM Reg No. 6214148 for V-...

Late filing of evidence in a trademark opposition proceeding, pardoned!

This matter pertains to registration of the mark “BEABA” at the IPOS filed under No. 40201909817Y in...