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Asia IP

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INTA releases Report on the Taxation of Trademarks and Complementary Rights in Europe

The International Trademark Association (INTA) on Monday, May 2, released its Report on the Taxation...

IP infringement, John Doe orders and privacy protect features for domain names

A John Doe order is passed when the violator’s identity is unknown. In this case, the Defendants can...

Various IPR Amendments on Korean Acts Effective April 20

Various amendments to the Korean Patent Act, Trademark Act, and Design Protection Act will take effe...

Singaporean tech startup tries to register bird logo, loses trademark battle against Twitter

Singaporean technology startup VV Technology lost its trademark battle against Twitter after princip...

Japan's IP Experts 2022

Japan has long been a favourite jurisdiction for overseas companies to file patent applications. Tha...

Domain names qualifying as IP rights like trademarks?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This Shakesp...

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Renaissance clarifies the legal test for the infringement of trademarks

On January 19, 2022, India’s apex court delivered its decision in Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc v....

In the matter of a trademark application by Health & Happiness Hong Kong Limited, and opposition thereto by Monster Energy Company

The application mark was used in relation to a communications enterprise that provided tailor-made s...