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Asia IP

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The patentability of live biological products

Using live biological products in lifestyle drugs and cosmetics introduces a distinct set of conside...

IP Week @ SG: Navigating the intersection of technology, trade secrets and legislation

Challenging for laws to keep pace with technology, but strategies are available, even for SMEs

Voice ownership: When your voice becomes a digital doppelgänger

As AI continues its march forward, actors are increasingly finding themselves on the outside of the...

Carku wins ITC case for the third time against NOCO

This marks the company’s third consecutive win in U.S. International Trade Commission Section 337 in...

Deepfakes: Friend or foe?

Are deepfakes a friend or a foe? That was the central question Pranit Biswas, managing associate at...

INTA 2024: CIOs encourage companies to find their ‘data language’

“Artificial intelligence continues to be a hot topic, and there is no AI without the massive infusio...

Analyzing the Delhi High Court’s judgment in Microsoft Technology Licensing v. Assistant Controller of Patents

It is evident that the IP framework of the country is currently undergoing a significant transition.

South Korea significantly increases prison sentences for stealing or leaking technology secrets

The amended legislation also adds more assessment criteria to the process of authorizing foreign cor...