Asia IP
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Colour trademark applications: Include a colour swatch or not?
What can be done when the shade of green on an energy drink doesn't match that on the trademark regi...
IPOPHL, WIPO hold Asian Innovation conference
Event supports accelerated development of innovation ecosystems, skills and capacities in IP managem...
Russia: Free use of patents
Two authors who do not know each other can create similar but creatively independent intellectual pr...
India: The perils of not naming the correct inventors
When an invention is created by the joint efforts of many persons, all of them qualify to be named a...
Guidance for trademark classification of emerging technologies issued in Australia
Guidelines clarifies unclear areas of classifying NFTs, blockchain, etc.
Patent applications in Chinese universities increase
This is due to the growing emphasis on intellectual property protection across all sectors of societ...
Uzbekistan joins WIPO ALERT platform
This WIPO ALERT platform aims to put a stop to the operations of pirate websites that profit from ad...