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Asia IP

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When trademark applications become not ordinary

Between the interplay between creativity and practicality in trademark applications, one can find a...

Tracing the trail of IP forensic analysis

With the increasing importance of IP rights and the digitization of data, IP owners are advised to e...

Investing in IPR

Intellectual property rights is a crucial aspect to ensuring business success . How can investors ga...

UN, ABBA songwriter launch online platform to aid musicians in IP

This online platform aims to teach artists how to ensure they are fairly compensated for their labor...

Clampdown on digital piracy: Vietnam to form specialized unit for the task

The move is encouraging for a country where copyright infringement is sometimes associated with orga...

MENAP: case law in IP procedures

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the world’s oldest patent office, establish...

South Korea strengthens its links with Middle East in IP fields

This is also to strengthen collaboration in several areas, such as assisting startups and small ente...

China, India drive increase in global patent filings in 2022

Gov’t initiatives, policy reforms and Covid-19 boosted resident patent applications in India