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Asia IP

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New study reveals that Singapore has more female brand owners and inventors

IPOS says that there has been a consistent increase in the number of female brand owners and invento...

Patents need to be properly drafted

IP lawyer discusses patent drafting in light of synthetic diamonds patent case in Singapore

Damages need to be proven, says IP lawyer

Lawyer shares thoughts on copyright infringement suit involving Singaporean firm and U.S. software c...

INTA turns focus to Asia with Singapore annual meeting

The International Trademark Association (INTA) has officially opened registration for the 2023 Annua...

WIPO’s Inventor Assistance Programme for youth innovators launched in Singapore

The programme extends pro-bono patent drafting, prosecution services

WIPO, IPOS launch pilot IP mentorship programme for intangible assets

The programme will teach enterprises how to use their IA for business growth and success

Singapore Patent – Obviousness of Error

A recent decision of the High Court of Singapore has set a precedent for correcting data included in...