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Asia IP

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2023 Global Innovation Index: Singapore regains top ranking in Asia

Singapore climbs two notches to 5th in the world, performing well in several indicators

WIPO-IPOS IP For Innovation Awards winners announced at IP Week@SG 2023

Companies in the biotech, entertainment and transport sectors were hailed for successful use of IP

IPOS launches framework for enterprises to disclose, communicate value of intangible assets

Launched during IP Week@SG 2023, the Intangibles Disclosure Framework will help enterprises commerci...

Singapore: Who Owns the Copyright?

When a client secures the services of a photography studio for a photo-taking session, who owns the...

Singapore: Revocation of registered design on grounds of lack of novelty

Singapore courts have ruled in Soon Ailing v. Chen & Partners, on revocation of a registered design...

To prevent trademark infringement, schools must consider registering mark’s foreign language name

IP lawyer shares insights on recent trademark lawsuit won by pre-school chain in Singapore.

Gretchen Su joins Sabara Law in Singapore

Hiring leads to launch of IP practice for Deloitte.