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Asia IP

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Singaporean tech startup tries to register bird logo, loses trademark battle against Twitter

Singaporean technology startup VV Technology lost its trademark battle against Twitter after princip...

Singapore rejects Prosecco wine GI registration upon appeal by Australian group

The word “Prosecco” cannot be registered as a geographical indication (GI) in Singapore to label win...

Chris Bailey, Stephenson Harwood partner, relocates to Singapore

Arbitration partner returns to Asia Pacific after stint in London.

Assessing genuine use and distinctive character of a registered trademark in Singapore

The Singapore trademark law provides for two ways through which a party may seek to challenge a thir...

IP Amendment Bill announced at Singapore Parliament

Minister Edwin Tong SC, Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Second Minister for L...

Singapore-registered design subsidiary amendments

Published by the Intellectual Property of Singapore (IPOS) on September 10, 2021, amendments have be...

Who owns your wedding photos? Changes to first ownership rights highlight Singapore’s amended Copyright Act

Who owns the rights to your wedding photos? Singaporeans are long accustomed to owning the rights of...