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Asia IP

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Philippine Supreme Court Axes Field Testing of GMO Eggplant

The Supreme Court of the Philippines ruled against conducting field trials of genetically modified e...

Move Over! There is Only One Yahoo! In Philippines

On November 5, 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) En Banc reversed the ruling of the...

2015 Asia IP Awards Winners Revealed

The winners of the 2015 Asia IP Awards have been announced. Johnny Chan and Lily Zhang report f...

The Philippines: Kawasaki Failed to Uphold Rights over Motorcycle Design

Industrial design infringement and unfair competition complaints dismissed.

The Clash of Two KOLINs - Long-standing Rivalry Resolved by the Philippine Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the Philippines finally put to rest decades of dispute between Taiwan Kolin Cor...

What Makes a Good Trademark Lawyer?

In honour of the upcoming International Trademark Association meeting in San Diego, Asia IP asked la...