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Asia IP

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Factor the Law into ASEAN Franchising

Franchises might all look the same, but what you need to consider for each country can be very ...

Pharmaceutical Patents in Singapore

Pharma Patentee Gets a Dose of Its Own Medicine AstraZeneca AB (SE) v. Sanofi-Aventis...

IP Protection in Vietnam: Government Tightens Enforcement Against Counterfeiting

In Vietnam, the regulatory system to protect intellectual property rights was first put in place in...

Criminal Enforcement of Trademark Rights in Singapore and Malaysia

At a time when legal costs are escalating, criminal enforcement measures in Singapore and Malaysia&n...

Don’t Let National Security Snag Your Patent Application

As companies continue to move their R&D facilities overseas, they often run afoul of national securi...

Vietnam Franchising: Anticipate the Steps to Opening for Business

With a cold, hard and long recession in the west, it is no wonder that franchisors are excited about...