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Asia IP

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Trade Secrets v. Patents

When a creation is born, its owner can apply for a patent, but what happens before the birth? Do&nbs...

Japan: Global Patent Tactics

While Japanese patent protection is solid, companies still need to consider global protection for gr...

Google, Tesla, Patent Pooling and Trolls

As the number of patents granted globally continues to increase so, too, do the arguments for change...

Understanding Patent Abandonment Rules in Indonesia

When a patent owner desires to abandon a patent, usually they simply do so by non-action, i.e. by st...

Steeplechasing Commercialization in India

As India steps into the fast track mode of development, it is imperative that innovations in differe...

SIPO Proposes to Amend China’s Patent Law

The Legislative Affairs Office of China’s State Council has released a draft patent law amendm...

Defining Patent Utility: Potential of a Patent or Commercial Viability of the Patented Product?

How much utility is sufficient to satisfy patent law requirements?