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Asia IP

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Recent Update on IP Protection in China

China is creating a more favourable IP environment for IP owners, through improvements to administra...

Singapore Court of Appeal Clarifies Stance on Entitlement to Patent Ownership

A recent decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal provides much needed clarity on the laws concerni...

Application of Patent Examination Guidelines in Invalidation Procedures

Clarification of China's Patent Examination Guidelines.

Leveraging IP

As awareness of the importance of IP is increasing, people want better use of their intangible asset...

China Rises on Global IP Scene

Despite being embroiled in the beginnings of a potential trade war with the United States, China&rsq...

Can Green IP Survive in a World Without Free Trade?

Writing during one of the most prolonged heat waves to hit Hong Kong in years, Michelle Ko asks ...

The Intersection of IP and Global Trade

Chaos has raged in the world of global trade agreements since Donald Trump killed the Trans- Pacific...

Doctrine of Equivalents Challenged in Singapore

Reaffirmation of Singapore patent construction law.