Asia IP
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Artificial intelligence in the military and Pakistan’s IP
The Pakistan Air Force has formed a unit for AI development. Will the country’s IP laws be able to d...
Jordanian patent applicants now have deadline for substantive examination fee payment
A local expert thinks it might not be as harsh as it sounds.
China’s pharma industry prepares for its own patent linkage system
A deep dive into China's new patent linkage system, and the significant impacts it will have on the...
It’s time to update your patent protection strategies in China
Why is administrative adjudication the preferred way to resolve patent infringement disputes?
The latest developments in patent validity examination in China
How has China's patent system improved in recent years?
Singapore retains top spot as patent filings improve
Rena Lee: IPOS digital efforts key to bolstering our position as an innovation hub
IPOS signs new agreements as Singapore aims for regional IP hub status
Agreements were signed with Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Brazil and China’s Capital IP Services Associat...
Covid-19 candidate vaccine in China gets patent
China’s government has issued its first patent for a Covid-19 vaccine. Does the patent mean it is sa...