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Asia IP

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When trademarks are used as a war strategy

Modern-age warfare is not limited to conventional forms of attack. Nations have recognized that trad...

Tips for brand owners to navigate India’s IP landscape

To attract investment from companies and IP holders to manufacture and distribute their products in...

A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands

The more successful the trademark is, the more likely it may become generic, which causes the tradem...

IP filing in multiple jurisdictions: How to navigate contrasting laws

Differences in legislation concerning intellectual property rights, how they are recognized and how...

Thailand IP Experts 2022

Thailand has made significant progress in strengthening the protection of intellectual property in t...

Affixing a brand to a venue: How complicated can it get?

Affixing a brand name to a theatre, coliseum or stadium is becoming more common, and is already very...

Indonesia IP Experts 2022

Nearly 90 percent of businesses in Indonesia’s creative economy lack intellectual property protectio...

TRIPS and international pressure on high-income countries to accept TRIPS waiver

In the wake of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there is an ever-growing urgent need to supply vaccine...