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Asia IP

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In the matter of a trademark application by Health & Happiness Hong Kong Limited, and opposition thereto by Monster Energy Company

The application mark was used in relation to a communications enterprise that provided tailor-made s...

Sharp and OPPO sign a cross-licensing agreement

Sharp and OPPO have announced that they have struck a deal on worldwide cross patent licensing, whic...

Nippon Paint (Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd., and opposition thereto by Warrior Pte. Ltd.

These opposition proceedings relate to a dispute on the trademarks between an established supplier o...

JPO rejects Armani’s opposition in Eagle logo

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has rejected Armani's opposition to Japanese TM Reg No. 6214148 for V-...

Late filing of evidence in a trademark opposition proceeding, pardoned!

This matter pertains to registration of the mark “BEABA” at the IPOS filed under No. 40201909817Y in...

Study shows revenue opportunities are missed when the C-suite does not pay attention

The proliferation of trademarks and the corresponding increase in infringement present significant c...