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Asia IP

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Malaysia awards “Most Intellectual Property Rights Merchandise” to global brand

This states that the brand offers products that are legally licensed by well-known intellectual prop...

Indonesia among the most IP applications, says WIPO

Indonesia also made it to the top 10 middle-income nations with the most trademark registrations

Singapore is the 7th most innovative country in the world

The country continues to fare well in several indicators of the Global Innovation Index 2022

India’s number of patents granted almost triple in 5 yrs, moves up in GII rankings

India recorded an almost threefold increase in the number of patents granted in the last five years....

Complaints from India prompt Google to remove highest no. of content, mostly for copyright issues

In its monthly transparency report last month, Google stated it took down an all-time high of 95,680...

Almost US$300,000 worth of counterfeit auto parts seized in the United States

Distracted drivers are not the only vehicle threats on highways — count the proliferation of counter...