Asia IP
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Seller of illegal streaming devices at popular shopping centre in Singapore charged in court
More targeted approach to address illegal streaming in SG may work better, says IP lawyer.
When Mickey Mouse enters the public domain
Even when copyrighted works enter the public domain, not everything can be rehashed into other mediu...
How IP drives breakthroughs in chemical engineering
Experts recommend strategies for protecting IP rights in innovations related to green energy and bio...
Steamboat Willie enters into public domain; IP lawyer gives his thoughts
“While the public domain welcomes reinvention of the original Mickey, leveraging his image for comme...
Key takeaways from IPOS trademark case involving Monster Energy Company, YG Entertainment
IP lawyer discusses salient points of the case including the importance of consumer perception
Investing in IPR
Intellectual property rights is a crucial aspect to ensuring business success . How can investors ga...
Global Innovation Index 2023: India, Vietnam overperform for 13 consecutive years
IP lawyers from Gurugram and Ho Chi Minh discuss why their countries have been overperforming.
Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions
Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...