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Asia IP

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Pakistan’s Trade Mark Amendments Act 2023: President Arif Alvi gives assent

Act contains a chapter on international registration of trademarks under the Madrid Protocol.

Yuanhe, Twelve Tables merge to create formidable IP firm

Yuanhe, Twelve Tables merge to create formidable IP firm Kirk Xing, Hairuo Zhang to lead the merg...

Hong Kong Customs combats counterfeiting activities involving goods bound for the United States

A Chinese and an American expert comment on the enforcement endeavours of their jurisdictions.

Defendant files appeal in copyright infringement case involving ‘80s hit song by Twisted Sister

Australian real estate and mining mogul Clive Palmer filed an appeal last May on the copyright infri...

Australian court rules on trademark, copyright case involving Greenpeace and local power company

How will the case impact Australia's IP scene? An Australian IP expert has their say.

600+ allegedly counterfeit Louis Vuitton (LV) goods seized in The Philippines

The seizure operation went viral online as it took place in the middle of a live selling event with...

China: Court rules on copyright infringement involving online games and live streaming

How will the new matters of IP protection of online protection of online games, mobile games and e-s...

Fighting over Elvis

Can you own a celebrity’s name to trademark your product?