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Asia IP

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M/S N. Ranga Rao & Sons Private Limited vs M/S Sujatha Match Works: Match or no match?

A maker of incense granted permanent injunction against maker of matches.

How generic drug makers attempt to escape infringement charges in India

Fighting back against generic drug makers’ infringement efforts.

Moroccanoil gets Injunction against Modi Care in India

In a case in the Delhi High Court, judges heard arguments whether “Moroccanoil,” left, was the same...

Dynamic John Doe Injunction order set to protect media conglomerate’s copyright for cricket tourney

The Dynamic John Doe Injunction order secured by Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) from the Delhi H...

Court’s endeavours will make injunction orders effective in trademark disputes

A recent order passed by the High Court of Delhi could urge courts to come up with different directi...

Regular blocking injunction or dynamic injunction?

In a world that has gone digital, regular blocking injunctions require an ISP to block websites and...

Delhi High Court confirms India’s first anti-anti-suit injunction

InterDigital Corp & Ors. v. Xiaomi Corp & Ors.

The grant of interim injunctions in lawsuits

Most cases in India come to some form of resolution after the interim injunction stage, which reduce...