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Asia IP

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“Visual effects” and “ocular impression” essential to prove design infringement

In a recent judgment passed by Delhi High Court, the court granted injunctive relief to Diageo Brand...

Copyright violations make up bulk of complaints by Indian users received by Google in July 2022

IP lawyer suggests ways to fight online infringement amid increasing complaints

Legal measures for intellectual property infringement in China

Intellectual property rights owners have witnessed a sea change in how their rights are protected in...

India SC court ruling on cognizability, non-bailability of copyright infringement brings clarity

Manisha Singh, co-founder and partner at Lex Orbis in New Delhi, said that the Supreme Court of Indi...

PitchMark seeks to level the playing field for SMEs and individual creatives

Every creative person has been ripped off at one time or another. A Singapore-based company is seeki...

Thailand’s first judgment to test ecommerce platform liability for IP infringement

With the growth of technology and internet use, consumers are increasingly shifting toward online sh...

Patent Attorney Gauges Ongoing Cochlear, US University Infringement Suit

As Australian biotech company Cochlear and the University of Pittsburgh engage in a patent infringem...

Facebook Faces Trademark Infringement

Meta a 12-year-old startup that creates immersive experiences and also is in the business of Virtual...