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Asia IP

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MOU adds other orgs and businesses for improving cooperation

The MOU offers a space for members to work closely together and alert other platform users of potent...

Reverse engineering disassembled

While reverse engineering often comes with a negative connotation, particularly when it comes to pat...

Contemnor to pay Rs20 million to Pfizer in Indian patent infringement case

Pfizer Inc. and its group companies filed a suit bearing no. CS (COMM) No. 442 of 2021 titled as Pfi...

Cybersecurity threats in IP: What to watch for in 2023

As IP-intensive businessess rely more and more on technology, they’re finding that technology can be...

Copyright infringement, software piracy at the heart of case won by diamond tech firm

Five companies in Surat, India were found guilty of infringing, illegally using pirated software.

The World Cup: FIFA does battle against IP infringers

With the World Cup’s knockout round set to begin, Espie Angelica A. de Leon looks at another mighty...

Thai sector collaborates with IPR owners to combat IP infringement

Thailand Is currently working with different sectors to combat IP infringement.

IP infringement and data misuse: The dark side of the dark web

The internet isn’t just Facebook and cat videos. The Dark Web is full of marketplaces selling counte...