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Asia IP

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Defendant files appeal in copyright infringement case involving ‘80s hit song by Twisted Sister

Australian real estate and mining mogul Clive Palmer filed an appeal last May on the copyright infri...

IP tips when crowdsourcing ideas

Crowdsourcing ideas is nothing new, but it may be becoming more common, Excel V. Dyquiangco reports....

Regular blocking injunction or dynamic injunction?

In a world that has gone digital, regular blocking injunctions require an ISP to block websites and...

Peppa Pig Recently Recognized as a Trademark in China

This, after a tumultuous journey in which in April 2019, Entertainment One UK Limited, the Peppa Pig...

Indonesian court orders selfie theme park to take down art installation

The artwork, which features lampposts, infringes the copyright of a similar installation in Los Ange...

Delhi High Court confirms India’s first anti-anti-suit injunction

InterDigital Corp & Ors. v. Xiaomi Corp & Ors.

Chinese technology firm sues in relation to Chinese TikTok

The amount of damages requested is over $350 million, which could be quintupled under the newer puni...

uCloudlink Group announces progress in patent infringement disputes

The world’s first mobile data traffic sharing marketplace beats its competitor in appeal!