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Asia IP

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Asian universities doing well in int’l rankings, set examples for good IP strategy, IP lawyer says

Universities from Asia are flexing their muscle, with more educational institutions from the region...

Election in the Philippines Respect IP Laws And Request Permission From Copyright Holders

With the upcoming presidential elections in May 2022, the Philippines is reminding all candidates an...

The life of the IP lawyer in the ‘new normal’

countries around the region are figuring out how to handle the coronavirus long-term, as many are be...

AT&T general counsel Michael Bishop to join IP Law Summit in Las Vegas

Michael Bishop, the general counsel at AT&T IP Corporation in Atlanta, will join the 35th IP LAW Sum...

Webinar session calls IP the ‘dominant force in mergers and acquisitions’

Intellectual property lawyers play an integral role in the merger and acquisition activity in the te...

Webinar explores communicating risk to senior executives

Communicating intellectual property risk effectively to an organization’s senior management is a cri...

Benedict Frey will be presenting at the marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021

The 34th marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021, which will be held June 16 – 17.