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Asia IP

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AT&T general counsel Michael Bishop to join IP Law Summit in Las Vegas

Michael Bishop, the general counsel at AT&T IP Corporation in Atlanta, will join the 35th IP LAW Sum...

Vietnam Develops National Science and Technology market

The program creates a favorable environment and facilitate Science and Technology market activities....

China has granted more patents for foreign companies in the first half of this year

A South Korean patent expert crunches a bunch of numbers to deliver the big picture.

Benedict Frey will be presenting at the marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021

The 34th marcus evans IP Law Online Summit 2021, which will be held June 16 – 17.

Late filing of evidence in a trademark opposition proceeding, pardoned!

This matter pertains to registration of the mark “BEABA” at the IPOS filed under No. 40201909817Y in...

The launch of oral trials in trademark review and adjudication cases in China

Reforms to China’s trademark review and adjudication system have brought about the use oral trials f...

Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms, practices

And the winners of the 2021 Asia IP China Awards are...