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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Reports, complaints against piracy, counterfeiting surge in 2020 amid COVID-19 disruption

67 of alleged violations concerned counterfeiting, 54 were on the illegal sharing and selling of cop...

Allscripts sues CarePortMD for trademark infringement

The telemedicine startup claims it is being bullied by the health technology giant. Is that true?

Reports offer insight into the future of IP

What does the future of intellectual property look like?

Artificial intelligence and trends in patenting

How has IP law been developed and interpreted in and around the technology based on AI?

Europe is a global hub for innovation in 3D printing, new study from European Patent Office shows

Surge in additive manufacturing is part of the broader, rapid rise of digital technologies overall,...

Joint statement of EPO and CNIPA on response to Covid-19

East meets west to defeat hardships of IP and Covid-19.

Mobile industry continues APAC investments including 5G deployment, says report

GSMA: APAC mobile operators to invest over $300 billion on 5G deployments between 2020 and 2025.

INTA report highlights brands’ commitment to CSR

INTA looks to further CSR awareness and initiatives.