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Asia IP

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IP Distance Learning System Launched

The IPOPHL Learning Activities Workspace (ILAW) was launched recently by the Intellectual Property A...

Vink, Tang urge INTA attendees to seek out innovation

Brands are always big business at the International Trademark Association’s Annual Meeting Live+, so...

IP infringement, John Doe orders and privacy protect features for domain names

A John Doe order is passed when the violator’s identity is unknown. In this case, the Defendants can...

Academicians in India lobbying for amendments to Copyright Act, inclusive digital education

Academicians from the city of Pune in India are lobbying for an inclusive digital education and amen...

Philippines Partners with Motion Picture Association (MPA) To Develop Piracy Monitoring System

The Philippines has teamed with the Motion Picture Association (MPA), which has agreed to assist in...

IPOS increases funding for IP dispute parties opting for mediation with REMPS

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has made its Revised Enhanced Mediation Promoti...

Various IPR Amendments on Korean Acts Effective April 20

Various amendments to the Korean Patent Act, Trademark Act, and Design Protection Act will take effe...

Singaporean tech startup tries to register bird logo, loses trademark battle against Twitter

Singaporean technology startup VV Technology lost its trademark battle against Twitter after princip...