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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Crowded waters: Crocs Inc. can’t snap off other fish

A series of decisions in India have rejected a claim by Crocs Inc. that the design for its popular,...

Increasing Damages

Guoxu Yang and Ji Liu explain how a patent right holder can increase the amount of damage compensati...

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Additional Proposed Section 301 Remedies

Following a thorough investigation under section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, the United States Tra...

China Bravo

People are often unaware of China’s achievements in IP protection due to how it is portrayed in inte...

Winning The Race Between AI & Copyright

As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, copyright law races to catch up.

How To Play Your Copyright - The Hidden Tips

Asia IP’s annual copyright issue teaches you everything from avoiding the traps of fair use and bett...

Daniel Greif Named Trademark Counsel For Trash Hero World

Daniel Greif has been named worldwide trademark counsel for Trash Hero World, providing trademark co...

Myanmar’s Trademark Law Passes Lower House

Long-anticipated Trademark and Geographical Indication Law is moving forward