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Asia IP

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China’s Licensing Boom

The government’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative aims to turn the country from a m...

Mandatory Recordal of IP License Agreements in Indonesia

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (MoLHR) of Indonesia recently issued regulations outlining the...

Correcting Inaccurate Chemical Formulas in Issued Patents Based upon Later Discoveries

Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek said, “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough pr...

External Affairs

When intellectual property rights are illicitly sold and found, what strategies should right holders...

Draft Patent Amendments Aim to Improve Enforcement in China

Between an increase in fines and an expansion of administrative enforcement powers, China is ad...

Trademark Enforcement in China

China's recently-amended trademark law has a stronger deterrent effect on infringing acts than did t...