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Asia IP

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Minimizing the IP legal risk under the China Export Control Law

Shaobin Zhu, Lucia Tang and Jensen Xu explain why understanding China's Export Control Law and mitig...

Hong Kong’s IP awareness is still high according to survey

In spite of the massive destruction caused by the rampage of “Godzilla vs. Kong,” the city’s intangi...

Japan rejects bid from China to use “AINU” trademark for products

A Chinese IP expert thinks the rejection is reasonable as any other country would do the same to pro...

LG Electronics sued by American mobile software company for patent infringement

The South Korean electronics behemoth has been sued in the United States for infringing another’s pa...

"Fish Selling Bro" files trademark application in China - until someone beats him to it

While the case might appear to be over for the "Fish Selling Bro", one lawyer thinks that this is th...

Indigenous Knowledge Consultations 2021 by IP Australia open until May 25, 2021

IP Australia aims to improve IP protection for traditional knowledge, cultural expressions by indige...

Books and other media in the public domain: Is copyright dead?

As copyrighted works pass into the public domain, is there any way to revive those rights?

Allens announces first seven participants of its legaltech accelerator

Companies involved in document automation, smart contracts and AI-driven knowledge management make u...