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Asia IP

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Korean Intellectual Property Office sets up special judicial police for technology issues

While this Techno Squad is brand new, the SJP in other areas are not and have actually been going on...

The ayes and nays of ‘covered’ and ‘disclosed’ in a patent

AstraZeneca AB filed an application at the Delhi High Court seeking an interim injunction for restra...

Protecting artificial intelligence-driven inventions

Although artificial intelligence dates back to the 1950s, nowadays it has become more popular in our...

The leap towards Malaysia 5.0

In January 2021, the Malaysian government released its plan to spark national development and ease i...

Trademark protection and brand value in China

Trademark protection extends far beyond legal protection. Robert Chan explains how China’s current t...

Patentability of inventions relating to dosing regimen in China

Although methods for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases are not granted patent rights in China,...

The fast-track to patent dispute resolution: The administrative adjudication mechanism

Often considered a fast-track to resolution of a dispute over patent ownership, China’s administrati...