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Asia IP

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Maximizing the effectiveness of the fair use defense in trademark infringement litigation

As the fair use defense increases in Chinese trademark litigation, observers are also seeing more po...

Turkish Olympian seeks to trademark iconic pose

Turkish Olympic shooter Yusuf Dikec soon found his iconic stance appearing on products like t-shirts...

Divisional applications put a notch on their belt

The issue of the dormancy of divisional applications has recently cropped up on the IP scene in Russ...

IP Week @ SG: Innovation data and analytics can influence leadership decisions, impact growth

A company from the biobanking space used data and analytics and is now an industry leader

IP Week @ SG: Navigating the intersection of technology, trade secrets and legislation

Challenging for laws to keep pace with technology, but strategies are available, even for SMEs

IP Week @ SG: Intangible assets are driving the future economy

“A tremendous shift in value creation from tangible to intangible assets,” says the WIPO director-ge...

Voice ownership: When your voice becomes a digital doppelgänger

As AI continues its march forward, actors are increasingly finding themselves on the outside of the...

Green claims: Trademarks, certification and avoiding deception

Public demand for sustainability has resulted in greenwashing, the practice of making unverified env...