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Asia IP

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When Mickey Mouse enters the public domain

Even when copyrighted works enter the public domain, not everything can be rehashed into other mediu...

Steamboat Willie enters into public domain; IP lawyer gives his thoughts

“While the public domain welcomes reinvention of the original Mickey, leveraging his image for comme...

Singapore: Corporate names, domain names and social media handles serve as evidence towards trademark use

(the subject mark) under, amongst others, Class 37 for certain services in relation to flooring and...

IP infringement, John Doe orders and privacy protect features for domain names

A John Doe order is passed when the violator’s identity is unknown. In this case, the Defendants can...

Domain names qualifying as IP rights like trademarks?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This Shakesp...

Books and other media in the public domain: Is copyright dead?

As copyrighted works pass into the public domain, is there any way to revive those rights?

Domain names and meta tags in trademark infringement

A travel agency in India used ‘Volvo’ in its domain name, meta tags and email ID.

The burgeoning of fraud by infringing domain names with hidden or incorrect WHOIS data. Where does the liability lie?

Does the current system encourage liability-free infringement and is a fraudulent activities breedin...