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Asia IP

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Fashion and intellectual property: Some designers are sharing, selling their garment patterns

What are the risks and how can fashion designers prevent misuse of intellectual property?

South Korea amends major IP laws for stronger enforcement

How have South Korea's IP laws been made more friendly for right holders?

Australia Provides Free Extensions

Deadline extensions for patents, trademarks and designs offered as part of Covid-19 relief.

What’s your status, Myanmar?

Covid-19 has apparently put all local trademark developments on hold which affects the “birth” of ot...

Singapore accedes to Locarno Agreement on Industrial Designs

What impact will joining the Locarno Agreement have on IP in Singapore?

With ratification of the EVFTA, Vietnam is determined to enhance its IP regulations

Vietnam’s National Assembly ratified the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement on June 8.

Waiwera in hot water over bottle design claim

Waiwera bottles and logos infringed on another design.

Factoring in Design Space in Ascertaining Similarity of Designs

Patents “significantly different” from prior design.