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Asia IP

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Delhi High Court says Controller General’s inaction is ‘unpardonable’ in Bridgestone case

In a writ petition filed by Bridgestone against an order passed by the Controller General of Patents...

Brand owners should have mechanisms for monitoring IP infringing content

Trademark incident involving Amazon and popular Indian beverage underscores need to have such mechan...

Attempt to misappropriate Sholay watered down by Delhi High Court

Sholay, the title of an iconic film, cannot be held devoid of protection, the Delhi High Court said,...

Delhi High Court confirms India’s first anti-anti-suit injunction

InterDigital Corp & Ors. v. Xiaomi Corp & Ors.

Delhi High Court Says Sale of Foreign-owned Marks Not Taxable

The Delhi High Court has ruled that the situs of IP for income tax purposes will be the location of...

Delhi High Court Grants Rs10 Million as Damages Against e-commerce Website

Highest damages granted in a trademark suit in India to date.

Defining Patent Utility: Potential of a Patent or Commercial Viability of the Patented Product?

How much utility is sufficient to satisfy patent law requirements?