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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Nopparat Lalitkomon promoted to partner at Tilleke & Gibbins

Lalitkomon leads firm’s data privacy and cybersecurity practice in Thailand and Vietnam.

Tracing the trail of IP forensic analysis

With the increasing importance of IP rights and the digitization of data, IP owners are advised to e...

Navigating the intellectual property frontier: Key trends shaping 2024’s IP field

This year marked a pivotal chapter in the development of intellectual property. Efforts were made to...

What to know about India’s new data protection act

This marked the end of over half a decade of the country’s quest for a dedicated data protection law...

WIPO, IPOPHL partner to access Alert Data Sharing Platform

This platform provides a list of well-known pirated websites worldwide and has the potential to impr...

The neurotechnology and data privacy interface

While neurotechnology is a step toward innovation in the field of brain research, Espie Angelica A....

Legal risks and protection of AI in the field of intellectual property in China

Current legislation in China regarding the definition of AI-generated works in the field of copyrigh...

Choosing electronic evidence to achieve maximum litigation benefits

Electronic evidence facilitates litigation by reducing the once-costly burden of gathering evidence....