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Asia IP

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Sheja Ehtesham wins share of INTA’s 2023 Advancement of Association Objectives Award

The International Trademark Association (INTA) has announced that Sheja Ehtesham, managing partner o...

What to know about India’s new data protection act

This marked the end of over half a decade of the country’s quest for a dedicated data protection law...

Cambodia officially thanks Korean experts for identifying GIs

Suon Vichea also asks Korean experts to process palm juice into crisps, drinks, and candy.

WIPO-Singapore ASEAN Mediation Programme sees first successful mediation

The mediation resulted in cost and time savings for the parties in the trademark dispute.

India gov’t publishes Draft GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) (Amendment) Rules, 2023

IP lawyer from Delhi suggests other much-needed amendments and why.

Global Innovation Index 2023: India, Vietnam overperform for 13 consecutive years

IP lawyers from Gurugram and Ho Chi Minh discuss why their countries have been overperforming.

Lessons from the SAG strike

With Hollywood’s 118-day strike resolved, production can finally resume on our favourite evening TV...

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...