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Asia IP

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How Web 3.0 revolutionizes intellectual property: NFTS, DAOS and decentralized ownership

The decentralized nature of the new Web 3.0 may disrupt traditional notions of IP ownership and cont...

Unitary effect and European validations in view of national prior rights

It has now been over six months since the doors of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) opened, bringing n...

Get Set Go – Is India ready for the implementation of new data privacy legislation?

We are living in a Digital Age. Whether we are shopping online or accessing our social media account...

Swati Sharma joins CAM as head of IP

Sharma recently worked on Air India rebranding.

John Koh joins Georgiou Payne Stewien in Hong Kong

Koh joins corporate and commercial partner; known for work on digital business matters, including da...

The rise of location-based entertainment: IP and data privacy issues

Location-based entertainment is growing in popularity, creating immersive and memorable experiences...

Nopparat Lalitkomon promoted to partner at Tilleke & Gibbins

Lalitkomon leads firm’s data privacy and cybersecurity practice in Thailand and Vietnam.

Tracing the trail of IP forensic analysis

With the increasing importance of IP rights and the digitization of data, IP owners are advised to e...