Asia IP
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Indonesia’s Improving IP Regime
With a newly-installed IP Arbitration Board and a rewritten trademark law looming, might Indonesia f...
Cloud Computing and the Great Firewall of China
Cloud computing continues to be an area of significant interest and investment for many companies.&n...
IP and Regulatory Challenges for Food Companies in Thailand
Intellectual property and food authorities frequently fail to see eye to eye. Clemence Gautier ...
Shining Lights
Announcing the first annual IP Counsel of the Year Awards, Gregory Glass speaks to the winners, ...
Minor Markets Move Towards Compliance
Some of the poorest countries in the region – as well as those racked by war, famine and oppre...
Singapore: Post-grant Patent Amendments Refused in Hitachi Case
In the landmark case of Warner-Lamber v. Novartis, the Singapore Court of Appeal explored the permis...