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Asia IP

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Attempt to misappropriate Sholay watered down by Delhi High Court

Sholay, the title of an iconic film, cannot be held devoid of protection, the Delhi High Court said,...

AI cannot be named as inventor – Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia

In April 2022, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia has ruled that an “inventor” must be...

India’s Delhi Hight Court notifies IP Division Rules and Rules Governing Patent Suits

The Patent Rules simplify and strengthen the procedures for adjudication of patent infringement case...

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Renaissance clarifies the legal test for the infringement of trademarks

On January 19, 2022, India’s apex court delivered its decision in Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc v....

Australian court ruling says it all: AI can be an inventor

The court recently arrived at such finding for Thaler v. Commissioner of Patents [2021] FCA 879 whic...

Selling of Unauthorized Streaming Gadgets Declared Illegal by Malaysia's Intellectual Property High Court

The Intellectual Property High Court in Kuala Lumpur has ruled illegal the sale, offer for sale, dis...

India’s High Court of Delhi forms Intellectual Property Division

The High Court of Delhi in India announced on July 6, 2021 that it will form an Intellectual Propert...