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Asia IP

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Historic award of costs gives teeth to IP enforcement in India

Delhi High Court comes down heavily in a recent trademark infringement case.

Is there relief for passing-off of registered designs? The Delhi High Court says, ‘Yes, for now’

Indian courts continue to wrestle with the issue of whether a proprietor of a registered design can...

RISING CHINA - China’s strong innovation performance closes in on the US

From science and technology hubs across China, remarkable changes are occurring – and the US, long a...


Patent experts share their tips on strengthening portfolios and values, dealing with enforcement and...

Crowded waters: Crocs Inc. can’t snap off other fish

A series of decisions in India have rejected a claim by Crocs Inc. that the design for its popular,...

Singapore: Sunseap Group Pte Ltd & 2 Ors v. Sun Electric Pte Ltd

In Sunseap Group Pte Ltd v. Sun Electric Pte Ltd [2019] SGCA 4 (Sunseap v. Sun Electric), the Court...

Increasing Damages

Guoxu Yang and Ji Liu explain how a patent right holder can increase the amount of damage compensati...