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Asia IP

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China adjusts patent fees, reduction policies in CNIPA update

This is in accordance with two notices issued by the Ministry of Finance and the National Developmen...

China’s IP progress fuels economic growth in first half of 2024

China announced its commitment to providing fair and strict IP protection for both domestic and fore...

China, Bahrain launch Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program

This aims to simplify the patent application process for innovators.

Strategies to overcome rejections when marks in foreign language are considered both deceptive and lacking distinctiveness

In recent years, an increasing number of of trademark applications in China have been rejected due t...

BIP Asia: Experts explore policy developments and brand strategies

During the 13th Business of IP Asia Forum, IP experts discussed boosting IP development, policies, e...

China explains new rules on suspending trademark review

CNIPA issues new internal rules allowing for the suspension of trademark applications.

China forecasts IP revenue will reach 500 billion yuan by 2030

CNIPA announced various development goals for the Chinese IP industry to achieve visions laid out in...

CNIPA commissioner proposes ways to tackle post-pandemic IP protection challenges

Dr. Shen Changyu, commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) pr...