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Asia IP

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Anand and Anand announces The Indian Science Inventions and Innovations Conference

As Noida-based Anand and Anand prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary in August, the firm is or...

Beyond well-knowness…

The TATA Group is undoubtedly India’s most famous conglomerate established in the year 1868. The TA...

Domain names and meta tags in trademark infringement

A travel agency in India used ‘Volvo’ in its domain name, meta tags and email ID.

INTA’s 2019 Asia Conference: Brands in changing times

Legal and business experts, government officials give updates.

Exploring the middle path: A choice between safe harbour and moral responsibility

The consequences and liabilities of online intermediaries.

IP Experts 2019

Complex IP issues demand outstanding legal experts, but identifying the very best IP lawyers in...

Pharma Killer

Attorneys tell Johnny Chan how to prevent litigation in the pharmaceutical industry, from a business...