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Asia IP

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Rise of the machines: Ownership of intellectual property created by artificial intelligence

As the capabilities of generative AI continue to improve, courts and legal systems around the world...

AIPPI 2023: Who owns the rights?

“Are we leaving some of these communities out?” asked Karen Abraham, IP department head of Shearn De...

AIPPI 2023: Protecting industrial designs with copyright

These IP lawyers discuss issues and current developments to what extent industrial designs can be pr...

AIPPI 2023: WIPO director calls for IP system to be more inclusive and horizontal

"We must move away from this idea that intellectual property is for the industrialized economies," s...

Genuine, fake goods on display at Hanoi exhibit

The exhibit aims to educate people in Vietnam on counterfeiting and trademark protection.

Copyright Bill 2023 passed in Parliament of Bangladesh

Bill addresses copyright in relation to modern tech, folk culture, visually impaired persons and oth...

2023 Global Innovation Index: Singapore regains top ranking in Asia

Singapore climbs two notches to 5th in the world, performing well in several indicators

AI Sportscasters in the Philippines, an IP lawyer weighs in

The two sportscasters, Maia and Marco, were created by artificial intelligence employing deep learni...