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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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China, Bahrain launch Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program

This aims to simplify the patent application process for innovators.

Dismissed copyright case in India has significant implications for IP practice in the country

The limitations of copyright in protecting industrial design and other key takeaways from the case

Thailand’s IP Experts 2024

Thailand remains on the United States Trade Representative’s Special 301 Report watchlist, despite p...

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act: What does it mean for Asia and the rest of the world?

What does the EU’s groundbreaking AI Act mean for the rest of the world, including Asia?

AI’s serenade to obviousness

The change in patentability requirements brought about by artificial intelligence has been debated f...

Protecting AI inventions in Singapore

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is profoundly impacting business and society, with...

Shenzhen roadshow prepares for 2024 AIPPI World Congress

The event aimed to connect China’s IP professionals and leading businesses, promoting discussions on...

The Philippines turns to comics to fight against intellectual piracy

Pirated Inferno was published as part of the shared objective of the interagency National Committee...